Verify your vote

Protect your voice

ElectionGuard lets you verify the results of an election, adds extra layers of security, and give power back to the voters. Download your election data and verify it from any source you trust!

American Elections Need Our Help


Jurisdictions in the USA

Jurisdictions in the USA, each using their own way of voting and each with their own security. A small town can not protect themselves from large hacking groups and it is harder for them to protect from officials changing the votes.


Ways to Detect Tampering

Ways to know if any of the votes have been changed. If an election, or any of the votes in it, has been changed or tampered with, there is currently no strong evidence left behind for us

What Does ElectionGuard do for You?

Secure Voting

Add security to the way the information is stored using professional cryptography. Also, reduce risks of tampering by cutting out the middle men in the process.

Evidence of Tampering

ElectionGuard has extra measures that prevents tampering. If any votes have been changed after they have been turned in by the voter, ElectionGuard will see that the election is not right.

Verify Elections

Once your election results are released, you can check to see if the election was changed or not. This will give you power to check and make sure your election was counted correctly.

Open and Free

This technology is open and free to the public. Anyone can use ElectionGuard, and anyone can create a verifier themselves to check elections. This allows you to choose who to trust!

Learn How it Works

Calling all Coders!

If you’re a developer who is interested in ElectionGuard and protecting election systems, or if you are just looking for a new project to work on, we invite you to check out our developer page. There we will explain how you can use your technical skills to make a difference in the world and protect your vote!